Our Desired Student Outcomes (DSOs) guide us to nurture globally-minded, empathetic, and adaptable individuals. These outcomes reflect our core values of holistic growth and academic excellence, fostering responsible global citizens prepared to thrive in an interconnected world.
1. Think Critically and Creatively
Students who think critically...
> demonstrate the values and attitudes of a thoughtful person
> utilize a variety of thinking strategies
> use knowledge and skills to reflect
> carefully consider criteria to make judgments
Students who think creatively...
> apply purpose to their thinking
> generate ideas and products that are unique and have value
> persevere to develop ideas and products
2. Communicate and Collaborate Effectively
Students show effective communication in how they. . .
> engage meaningfully with others
> gather and share information with purpose
> utilize appropriate media and technologies
Students show effective collaboration in how they…
> cooperate and contribute collectively
> build constructive relationships
> reflect on interactions
3. Develop Personally and Socially
Students who show personal development . . .
> grow in confidence and responsibility
> pursue well-being and safety
> understand strengths and areas of growth
Students who show social development . . .
> forge positive and caring relationships
> explore local, global, and intercultural issues
> acknowledge and appreciate the perspectives of others
> positively affect collective well-being and sustainable development